Animal Jam!!

If you people haven’t herd about Animal Jam, you people should know about it! I’ll make a list of and what are some important things to know.
First you must have an account on Animal Jam ( and second you must have an E-mail or your parents can sign you up. Now lets get down to the important stuff!
1. To get type chat or “free chat” you must log in to the parents or have your parent sign in and then got to the user your using and there will be these little thing that have a bubble and on that says type and click on the one that says type and that’s how you get “free chat”!
2. How to trade one Animal Jam… You first have to click on the picture of you animal, second right next to the clothes you will see a button called trade, and then… you can add stuff by clicking on the + button and there you can add clothes and and furniture, lastly if you want to cancel you press the x on the item you don’t want to trade.
3. Try to not say any bad words or cell phone I don’t know why but they won’t let you say a lot of thing anymore. If you happen to say anything tell me and I might have the answer why. Oh and one more thing If you have free chat please don’t make rude comments on people. PLEASE!
That’s about it.
I got some photos! Here they are:
Smiles :)
These are my friends and their friends!
These are some of mine, and there friends grinning! Enjoy!
P.S I’m the bunny with wings and my name most of the time is… Mythical Frozengem!

About Me

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I'm a person with a big family. I have 3 (about to have 4) nieces. I was born is China. Never saw my birth mom or dad...